Dr. Manzoor Ahmad resignation from NIOC Advisory Board

Dear All,
Thanks a lot for all the tributes I received at the 28th NIOC Advisory Board meeting last evening. Although due to covid restrictions, my interaction with most of the NIOC team was through online discussions, I could feel the warmth and genuine appreciation they expressed for me. It was kind of you to organise this.
I honestly believe that the National Initiative on Organized Crime that you and your colleagues have undertaken is an excellent national service. It is payback time, especially for those who have spent years in law enforcement and can now spare some for this work.
I particularly liked that you have co-opted the government agencies working in this area and are also reaching out to the global audience. Thus, NIOC plays a significant role as a bridge between the two sides. In a short two years, you have achieved many successes. The NIOC is one of the few think tanks that can support their work without any government or foreign funding but through their technical work.
Having served on the Advisory Board was an excellent experience for me. As I explained in my resignation letter, my current workload, especially that relating to arbitration of international trade disputes, keeps me from giving enough time to NIOC. However, as per the wishes of the Board members and my desire to contribute, I hope to be able to continue sharing my informal input to support the work of the NIOC think-tank.
Best wishes for your continued success,
Manzoor Ahmad