Cyberspace discontent

Unfortunately, ideologues, propagandists, outrage warriors, malicious provocateurs, and individuals who carry grudges all exploit the cyberspace.
We can distinguish several problems, but in actual situations that arise on the internet more than one is usually involved. First, the internet expands the potential for ordinary forms of smearing, invasion of privacy, and other abuse. Malicious individuals of all kinds have obtained new opportunities to harm others – sometimes for revenge but sometimes just out of bitterness, immaturity, or cruelty. Second, the internet exacerbated problems of group polarisation and encourages extreme viewpoints. Third, it enhances the ability to punish people for nonconforming conduct, especially for disliked or offensive, but democratically legitimate, speech. This can escalate as rival individuals or groups look for tactics to shut each other down.
Source: The Tyranny of Opinion by Russell Blackford (2019).