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Cops infected by virus

THE police are, quite literally, on the front line of the battle against the coronavirus. Now the risks inherent in…

Pandemic Diary

1) Pakistan sees spike in virus deaths as toll surged to 192 on April 20 and as the number of cases also surged…

War against virus

By Tariq Khosa TO do or not to do… that is the dilemma facing Prime Minister Imran Khan and he is not alone.…

Director’s Update

National Initiative against Organised Crime in Pakistan is about to complete six months as a pilot project…

Quack supplies

A COTTAGE industry is cropping up around the provision of materials for the sanitisation of hands and surfaces, as…

Mob attack on police

THE issue of the temporary closure of mosques and other places of worship to prevent mass gatherings during the…

Pandemic Diary

By Fasi Zaka I have become very keenly aware that my compliance with all the measures required to be safe during…