The 26th Meeting of NIOC Advisory Board was held on Friday 03 December through Zoom Link.
The following AB Members participated: Tariq Parvez, Samina Ahmed, Manzoor Ahmad, Zubair Habib, and Jawaid Akhtar. Zahid Hussain could not attend due to his prior commitment.
NIOC directorate was represented by the following: Tariq Khosa, Ejaz Hussain, Kashif Noon, Ali Nekokara, Saroop Ijaz, Ammar Jaffri, Vaqas Ali and Hassan Sardar.
Director NIOC apprised the Board about progress on Serious and OC Study. The final report is to be prepared by the end of December 2021. Ejaz Hussain, Kashif Noon, and Vaqas Ali were asked to put up the final draft by 27 December.
Study on Mutual Legal Action Processes was in progress and the draft report was to be submitted by 15 December.
BHC had approached the CGR to carry out a study on Disaster Management in Pakistan. A team will be put in place to carry out the study during January-March 2022.
UNTOC review of Pakistan is underway. CGR-NIOC is fully committed to assist National Focal Person Ehsan Sadiq, Additional Director General Intelligence Bureau is building a coalition of CSOs to support the Review Process. In this connection, collaboration with the UNODC Civil Society Unit in Vienna is being undertaken.
CGR-NIOC is working on a proposal to launch Criminal Justice Reforms Initiative (CJRI) during the year 2022. Ali Nekokara circulated some useful material as a background for study by NIOC Members so that proposals may be prepared accordingly.
The 26th NIOC AB Meeting was the last of the year 2021. We look forward to a meaningful contribution during the next year. It has been wonderful teamwork. We have enjoyed working together.
Wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. May 2022 bring all the joy for CGR-NIOC Members and their families.