NIOC’s 45th Advisory Board Meeting was held on Monday 23 October at 12 pm. The following AB Members participated: Tariq Parvez, Zahid Hussain, Samina Ahmed, Zubair Habib and Jawaid Akhtar. Manzoor Ahmed could not attend to his other professional commitments. NIOC Directorate was represented by the following: Tariq Khosa, Kaleem Imam, Ammar Jaffri, Nawaz Nadeem and Hassan Sardar.

The following matters came under discussion:

1) TIP NAP by FIA requires a stocktake. Kaleem Imam will get in touch with DG FIA and undertake stocktake on behalf of the civil society. He will be assisted by Azam Khan and Nawaz Nadeem.

2) TIP Threat Assessment Study will be carried out by CGR under the supervision of Mr Tariq Parvez with effect from 1 Nov 2023. Data collection will be undertaken in Nov-Dec 2023. Sarmad Saeed, assisted by Azam Khan and Nawaz Nadeem, will do the needful in coordination with DG NPB and DG FIA.

3) Major TIP and SoM cases will be monitored to assess progress. Nawaz Nadeem will do the needful.

4) Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) Study Concept Note will be circulated by Mr Tariq Parvez.

5) CGR will issue a Position Paper on Transnational Organized Crime to sensitize the political parties and other key stakeholders during the current national elections pre-poll stage. Kaleem Imam is requested to do the needful.

6) Saroop Ijaz will explore coming up with a Human Rights Watch framework on the current state of fundamental rights in the country.