The 27th Advisory Board Meeting of NIOC was held on Thursday 13 January 2022. The following board members participated: Tariq Parvez, Zahid Hussain, Samina Ahmed, Zubair Habib, and Jawaid Akhtar. Dr. Manzoor Ahmad could not attend.
NIOC directorate was represented by the following: Tariq Khosa, Ejaz Hussain, Ali Nekokara, Kashif Noon, Saroop Ijaz, Ammar Jaffri, Vaqas Ali, and Hassan Sardar. The following matters came under discussion:
1) Serious and Organized Crime Study: The 6-month long study carried out by NIOC from July to December 2021 has been completed. Final report would be sent to GI TOC by 31 January 2022.
2) MLA Processes Study: The Mutual Legal Assistance Processes study was in the final stage of completion and the report would be sent to the British High Commission during the last week of January 2022.
3) Crisis Management Study: The British High Commission had asked CGR-NIOC to carry out a study on critical incident management. This would be a two-month long study to be completed by mid-March.
4) UNTOC Review: Pakistan UNTOC Review is being undertaken under the supervision of Ehsan Sadiq, ADG IB, the Focal Person. CGR-NIOC is committed to facilitating the review process. Saroop Ijaz will build a coalition of CSOs for civil society’s input to the review process.
Ammar Jaffri gave a brief overview of crypto currencies and their adverse impact on the economy and OC.