The NIOC’s 32nd Advisory Board Meeting was held on Friday 24 June at 2 pm. The following participated: Tariq Parvez, Samina Ahmed, Zubair Habib and Jawaid Akhtar. Zahid Hussain could not attend as he was travelling in Northern Areas of the country. NIOC directorate was represented by the following: Tariq Khosa, Sarmad Saeed, Ali Nekokara, Kashif Noon, Saroop Ijaz, Ammar Jaffri, Nawaz Nadeem and Hassan Sardar.
The following agenda items were discussed:
1) Pakistan UNTOC Review: GOP Focal Person Ehsan Sadiq, assisted by NIOC consultants Azam Khan and Nawaz Nadeem, were giving final touches to the first draft responses to 8 UNTOC articles under cluster-1 review. Those draft responses will soon be shared with the GOP stakeholders and with the NIOC-CGR team for further feedback and review.
2) Pakistan UNTOC Pilot Initiative will be launched in FIA for which a mission from UNODC Vienna will visit Islamabad from 12 to 16 September 2022.
3) NIOC-CGR team comprising Sarmad, Saroop, Kashif and Vaqas have identified the CSOs and Experts for civil society engagement strategy for UNTOC review consultations. The list will soon be shared with UNODC and GITOC and formal interactions will be held during July-August 2022.
4) Saroop Ijaz, assisted by Kashif Noon and Vaqas Ali will draft a parallel civil society report on the implementation of UNTOC articles under review from the civil society perspective. This report will be finalised before 30 September 2022.
5) NIOC will issue two policy briefs on Police Reforms and Terrorism respectively in July 2022.
6) NIOC-CGR is laying a foundation to build a National Alliance of NGOs, CSOs, Experts, Lawyers, Academics and Private Sector to chart a consensus strategy against Organized Crime in Pakistan. The following NIOC-CGR team members will steer the process: Kashif Noon and Ammar Jaffri in Islamabad and KP Province; Saroop Ijaz and Sarmad Saeed in the Punjab Province; Zubair Habib in Sindh Province.