The 40th Meeting of NIOC Advisory Board was held online on Tuesday 28 February 2023. The following AB Members participated: Samina Ahmed, Manzoor Ahmed, Zubair Habib and Jawaid Akhtar. Tariq Parvez and Zahid Hussain could not participate. NIOC Directorate was represented by the following: Tariq Khosa, Sarmad Saeed, Saroop Ijaz, Ammar Jaffri, Azam Khan, Nawaz Nadeem and Hassan Sardar.
The following matters came under discussion:
1) Under the UNTOC Review Process, CGR has constituted three Working Groups on UNTOC Legal Matters, Human Rights and Transnational Organized Crime.
2) A Focus Group Discussion of WG of Legal Experts on UNTOC will be held on 8 March 2023.
3) A case study on Smuggling of Migrants on a recent boat tragedy near Italian coast will be carried out in collaboration with the FIA.
4) An NGO on SDGs, led by Ammar Jaffri, will apply for membership of Vienna-based Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.
5) CGR will release the UNTOC Implementation Review Report on behalf of the civil society by mid-March.
6) CGR-NIOC Annual Report 2022 will also be released during March 2023.