NIOC Advisory Board 42nd Meeting was held on Thursday 27 April 2023 at 12 pm. The following participated: Advisory Board: Tariq Parvez, Zahid Hussain, Samina Ahmed, Manzoor Ahmed, Zubair Habib and Jawaid Akhtar. NIOC Directorate and Consultants: Tariq Khosa, Sarmad Saeed, Kaleem Imam, Azam Khan, Ammar Jaffri, Nawaz Nadeem and Hassan Sardar.
The following matters came under discussion:
1) CGR-NIOC will develop a proposal on Trafficking in Persons Threat Assessment (TIPTA) under the supervision of Mr Tariq Parvez.
2) A Presentation on Fast Parcels Study will be given to the BHC in mid-May 2023.
3) CGR-NIOC will participate online in the UNTOC Constructive Dialogues in Vienna during May 2023.
4) Consultant Kaleem Imam will write a Policy Brief on Good Governance in May 2023.
5) Consultant Azam Khan will write a Position Paper on TIP: Gaps and Challenges.
6) Nawaz Nadeem will assist Director FIA NCB Interpol in arranging the annual conference at the FIA HQ on Interpol-related issues.
7) NIOC Study on Countering Extremism (2021) will be disseminated to researchers and scholars by the US Library of Congress.
8) Director CGR Tariq Khosa and National Focal Person on UNTOC Ehsan Sadiq participated in an Intercontinental Civil Society Dialogue on 20 April 2023 on UNTOC and UNCAC. Many NGOs from Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Peru participated.
9) CGR-NIOC will identify Champions of Change in TOC and highlight their profiles for recognition at the national level.
10) An Index to measure OC will be developed by CGR-NIOC after the launch of GITOC OC Index 2023 in June this year.