Minutes of NIOC’s 11th AB meeting

The 11th meeting of the NIOC Advisory Board was held on 4th of September 2020 (Friday) through Zoom’s virtual platform. The following participated: President Tariq Parvez; and AB members Zahid Hussain, Samina Ahmed, Jawaid Akhtar, Zubair Habib and Fasi Zaka. NIOC directorate was represented by Director Tariq Khosa, Secretary Amir Rana, Deputy Director Ali Nekokara, Manager Administration Hassan Sardar and Consultants Kashif Noon and Ammar Jaffri.
The proceedings and decision taken in the meetings are briefly narrated below:
- Director NIOC presented the outline of a finding proposal, which NIOC prepared in line with the ToRs provided by the British High Commission to conduct a series of webinars on countering extremism between October 2020 and February 2021. Proposal was titled as Combating Extremism through Constructive Engagement (CE through CE). All NIOC AB members supported the proposal and agreed to be moderators, hosts and panelists for the proposed webinars.
- The draft of “Organised Crime: National Strategy” was discussed. Consultant Kashif Noon undertook to prepare and share an improved version in a week’s time.
- Consultant Kashif Noon was asked to finalise the write-up on Uzair Baloch saga showing crime-politics nexus as a case study before the end of September 2020.
- In the context of community outreach, it was agreed to conduct a webinar on Human Trafficking in collaboration with the FIA as Pakistan finds itself again placed on US State Department’s Tier-2 Watch List.
- Director Khosa informed the Board of his decision to contest election for a vacant slot of Board Member of Vienna-based Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. AB Members wished him success.
- Director NIOC also floated the idea of conducting a Face-to-Face series of interviews with professional experts and champions of change in society as role models to develop community resilience against Organized Crime. Deputy Director Ali Nekokara was nominated as the chief organizer to conduct interviews in the next few months.
- It was agreed that the 12th AB Meeting will be held on 2nd of October 2020 (Friday) at 4 pm.