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Terrorism menace
THERE is no mistaking the hydra-headed monster of militancy that Pakistan is facing. The last few days have been…
Stop violence in Kurram, please
The Centre for Governance Research (CGR) fully endorses the editorial carried by Dawn on Wednesday 12 July 2023 and…
Cyberspace discontent
Unfortunately, ideologues, propagandists, outrage warriors, malicious provocateurs, and individuals who carry…
Terror attacks rise
THE terrorist threat, if left unaddressed, threatens to again grow into an uncontrollable hydra, resulting in an…
National Action Plan Against Migrant Smuggling (NAPAMS)
On behalf of civil society, a group of independent experts, headed by IGP Retd Tariq Parvez, former Director…
NIOC 43rd Advisory Board Meeting was held online on Thursday 22 June 2023. The following participated: Tariq…
Boats of doom
IT is being called the worst migrant boat disaster in the Mediterranean Sea. A week ago, a migrant boat carrying up…
Human sale
SLAVERY has other names — human trafficking and human smuggling. These feed on broken, indigent lives to make a…